Thursday, December 23, 2010
Subconscious Re-soul-utions
I hear it more often than not...."I don't do resolutions for New Years....they last about a month and then things fall right back into the way they've always been."
I can understand that. That's why a few years ago I tried Subconscious Re-soul-utions.
At the end of the year...I make a very pretty, artsy list of all the things, situations, dreams, etc. I would like to have manifest in the upcoming year. I seal it in an envelope and put it somewhere where I can find it on December 31 of the upcoming year. Then I go about my year and forget what I put on the list.
The coolest thing is to open the envelope on December 31 to see what actually manifested on its own, what didn't manifest, and what morphed into something better.
After a few years of trying Subconsious Re-soul-utions on my own, I've started doing this ritual with a coach friend to see if it works for her as well...and now I'm offering this concept to everyone I know. The results have been fascinating. Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves we don't even realize we are working on manifesting something we really love and desire because we don't see the results soon enough. But this list is proof that in little increments we really do make dreams and resolutions come true.
If you do try Subconscious Re-soul-tions...let me know next year by posting on this blog what your results are.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Inject Passion Instead of Botox
Note added Nov 17:
(Unfortunately, this video was removed from the You Tube site. The short replacement video just doesn't measure up to the touching one that was removed. People have their reasons for doing such, hopefully the documentary will come out soon. "Dancing Under the Gallows." It is so inspiring to see this woman who will be 107 this November 26th and her beautiful attitude about life despite what she survived during the Holocaust.)
I knew I'd love this woman....just look at the shoes she chooses to wear!!! (See previous blog entry.) She is living proof that passion is a very powerful way to live life! This looks like an upcoming documentary that will stay with us long after the movie is over.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I have this philosophy about shoes. Shoes are a choice. I have been observing peoples' shoe choice for most of my life. Our shoe choice reveals a lot about our personality....even if we wear shoes someone else chose for us. That can reveal something too.
All the shoes in this sketch are from different parts of my life. They all hold strong memories.
I notice that I attract friends who wear either very unusual...or else earth-toned shoes. The trend in the area I live in has been white running shoes for the last 20 years. I'm a closet white running shoe wearer, only wearing them when I work out. The dirt attraction factor keeps me from wearing them out in the world. (Yowza! What message does that reveal?)
I have watched my shoe style choices change drastically along with my careers and phases of life. It's quite fascinating to spend some time observing the shoes we all choose to wear. How interesting when you date or meet someone for the first time to see if their shoes tell you things that their words may or may not. Or if you're at a lecture...what are the lecturer's shoes telling you?
I hope you try out this shoe-cological shoe-losophy and see what it tells you.
What types of shoes do the people in your life wear? What kind of shoes do you choose to wear?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Choosing a More Exciting Perspective
As an artist and a coach I enjoy seeing life from different perspectives. It keeps things fresh in all we do. I didn't realize the Sears Tower had been sold and renamed the Willis Tower. I also didn't know that you can go up to the top of the Willis Tower and there are several glass rooms where you can experience viewing gorgeous Chicago. You can't help, but get a tug in your stomach walking in these glass rooms. I've heard people say these rooms are dangerous, as nobody knows for sure if the glass will be effected by weather one day and one day a visitor may get a scary surprise. My scary surprise was when the parking garage bill was twice the Tower viewing fee...but still, viewing life from a glass room was an experience of a lifetime that I'm glad I can share with you in a photo. Lesson: Life can be exhilirating when you choose to view it from a crazy, new perspective.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Nature Makes its Statement
strange feeling of dread! Because I just had a webinar the night before with Rick Jarow about paying attention to how emotion expresses in our body feelings, I noticed my usual body expression of fear goes from the stomach down. This body feeling was from the stomach to my upper body. More of a fear of outside influence. Not understanding this feeling of fear, I decided to get out of bed and do something kind of mundane to try and fall asleep. While I sorted a chaotic mess of seed beads by color, I heard a loud bump outside the house. I looked out the window and there was this bear rummaging around, clawing at rocks searching for something. I'm not the most knowledgable about what to do when crossing paths with bears, but I knew I wasn't going to shoot him with anything but a camera. It also took much more courage to mow the lawn or even walk to the car after that.
Life is always full of unexpected surprises. That seems to be the message of the month for me. We make plans and have this picture in our mind's eye what the outcome of our plans will look like, then life comes along and adds its brush strokes to the picture. Another message from this....sometimes things look so cuddly...but get too close and watch out!
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Comedic Truth
Anyone who has been to a therapist can relate to this MAD TV skit that still sticks in my memory from a few years ago.
A big phrase repeated in one coaching school I attended was, "Don't be stuck in your story." I don't exactly coach with that philosophy of making story wrong. Story is important. It's the "stuck" part of that sentence that I would focus on more.
It's hard to keep intellectualizing and trying to figure out why things happened to us....or how we can heal a past wound. Sometimes we can intellectualize a situation so often that we begin to feel like we're in a Woody Allen movie .
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just detach and "stop it?" Wouldn't it be nice if therapy cost $5 and lasted 5 minutes? That skit was ahead of its time.
It's those little things called feelings that make letting go difficult....especially when a current situation pours salt on a past wound.
So far, with a lifetime of experimenting with how to "stop it," I find Eckhart Tolle's philosophy of living in the now to come the closest to detaching, letting go and keeping on the path. But, as the skit says between the's simple, but not always easy.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Taking a huge risk
On a recent trip to NYC, while peering out my hotel window, my heart lept into my throat! I saw this man washing windows with no protective safety gear! I just had to capture that Kodak Moment. I thought, "Is he fearless, confident, or ignorant?"
This sure is a perfect metphor for how we can feel when we face change or start a new venture. And don't we have that same feeling in the back of our mind when we are brand new at something? "Can I be fearless doing this foreign new action? Can I trust it will succeed? Or am I just being ignorant?"
I see that this window washer felt very used to standing out on a ledge. So maybe facing change is just about getting used to doing that uncomfortable or scary thing with lots of practice. I know he is very focused on his task at hand and nothing else. There's a lot to be said for keeping our eyes on the prize no matter what potential dangers lurk below.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Do you think Danny MacAskill intellectualizes reasons for not getting in action about what he loves to do? Does he give up after falling down, feeling pain or having to hammer his bike back into riding shape? He just keeps on going, trying new things....seeing potential in the environment around him. Setbacks are only temporary when you love what you're doing enough to keep going.
I love, in this clip, how people come running after Danny to see if he made it through certain feats. He shows us all to keep on riding it matter what you come up against. This is one video clip I watch over and over on those days I find a million excuses not to work on my dreams. I hope it does the same for you.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Creating Our Future
Long ago, I was given the gift of a phone appointment with a psychic. During that call she said to me, "Look at the palms of your hands. Are there lots of "x's" in them?" I had never noticed it before, but there are lots of "x's" in my palm. She told me that "x's" in our palms are a sign of creativity and I should honor that gift because creativity is one of the highest powers in the universe.
I believe everyone is creative. Just the way we get out of bed in the morning is our own creative ritual. "X's" in our palms are not a requirement to create. Not every Sneetch has a star on their stomach, but they're still a Sneetch!
The creativity of people, animals or nature (ever see a plant grow around some obstruction?) have always sparked a flame in me to go to my studio and create.
A few years ago, an instructor told our teleclass that animals aren't creative. I was so upset with that judgment! Apparently, this instructor never credited when a cat turns a box or a drawer or some tight space into the perfect place to squeeze itself in like a puzzle piece to take a nap! Animals are creative visionaries too. To me, creativity is observing one thing and giving it a different meaning. It's about shifting how things are perceived or done. It's about choice and going beyond limitation.
Kudos to the designer in this video clip who looked at stoves and found new meaning to the way we could be using them! Imagine not having pots and pans to clean any longer!!!! More time to create!!!!
Is there an item or belief...that if you play around with its could change the way you perceive or do things forever?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Balancing Out Our Education System
I thank Goddess for messengers like Sir Ken Robinson! Not just for his message, but also for the way he delivers it, showing that humor is a natural product of the creative perspective.
Like Oprah, I so honor teachers for the mission they have chosen. My parents were both teachers. I feel we're all teachers in our own unique way...whether we're it's intentional or not.
I am posting this lecture because I know I'm not alone in my experience of my grade school training. Here I was, a right-brained, art-blissing, wild-mind, hungry heart...expressing in the way I knew how....only to get report cards that said, "She rarely participates in discussions...she daydreams...I hope she tries harder next quarter." It was so challenging to only have left-brained activities honored while art, creative writing, music and dance were minimalized. Where is the balance in that?
I have many friends who are currently working hard on their intention to bring more holistic awareness into the education system. I'm pleased that Sir Ken Robinson gave voice to what many have been aware of for far too long. Bravo to creatives who stand strong in honoring the importance of expressing their creativity. What would the world be like if creative expression was viewed as the miracle it truly is? What if Danny Lillienfield, our class clown in first grade, wasn't sent to the principle for standing on his chair and singing burp songs in the middle of class?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Finding and Creating Our Tribe
I've been meaning to post on this blog for quite some time this month, yet I've been soooo busy getting my coaching web site together that many of my sacred rituals have taken a back seat. I have to admit, marketing is not my favorite thing to do. It sometimes can get image-y and sometimes even borders egoic to me. Yet, it is vital to keeping a business in flow. The saving grace to me are people like Seth Godin who see marketing for what it is. He always observes the creative, entertaining side of everything which keeps things fresh.
This clip is keeping me inspired to market as well as hone in on my tribe. I hope it does the same for you.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Finding Your Peeps
Having supportive friends is like Heaven on Earth. This dear, supportive friend took
me to this Artomatic Exhibit/Peeps Show in D. C. for inspiration.
When one is committed to making their dreams manifest, one of the most important steps to take is to be true to yourself about who in your life is supporting what you are doing and who is not. There may be people you have in your life who doubt your success in your endeavors or who may even be projecting their own issues on your dream. Perhaps they react to your ideas with cynicism. When you ask about their cynical response, they may respond with "Wow...can't you take a joke? You take things too personally." Accepting responses like this or even allowing unsupportive people onto your path is like watering your freshly seeded garden with poison!
Dream manifestation is a fragile process. Keeping your path clear of people and situations that don't offer 100% support is begging for doubt and sabotage.
This was my lesson for 2009. From my ARTbundance coach training, I learned to pay attention to what my body and feelings were telling me about who and what I was accepting in my environment. And usually when you take such a huge and important step like this, the universe casts its vote, by sending you signs that you made the right choice. I urge you to take inventory on who and what's on your path, check in with your body wisdom, and keep the garden clear of the weeds that are feeding on the precious energy you need to turn your dreams into reality. Find your peeps who keep the journey a pleasant one. And may I take this opportunity to thank my wonderful friends (you know who you are) who have been so supportive on my current journey!
Some further reading on this subject... I highly recommend page 85 of this book (Eliminate Sabotage):
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