Thursday, December 27, 2012

Healthy Marketing?!!!

This book is quite a fascinating view on how marketing has shifted with the times and the old school marketing of talking at a customer is no longer the way to run a business. It's all about community, listening, sharing and supporting.
The first 3/4 of this book point out in detail the many ways we've been used to experiencing marketing and how manipulative it's been. It has actually caused this world to become ill in many ways that are pointed out. The last 1/4 of the book is Lynn Serafinn's solution to a better, more human way to market.
I found it hard to put this book down because it put in words many of the things about marketing that have made me cringe over the years. Healthy marketing! What a concept!
Whether you are a consumer, client, student, customer or business owner...this book speaks to the way marketing effects us all.