Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mistresses of Manifestation

I've been posting photos of wild animals on this blog. What about wild women??? Here is a photo of some wildly powerful women. Marcia Wieder and Carole Kammen to be exact. I took their workshop, Masters of Manifestation in San Jose recently. I only wish this kind of info was taught to us all at a young age or in gradeschool. It is important information to know about life. Something everyone should know.
Anything Marcia Wieder puts together is inspiring and successful. Carole was fascinating, slowly revealing layer by layer all that she has survived in life. To see her in action, and the kind of energy she gives off, you'd never know she's been through such challenges in life!
When Marcia introduced Carole at our Dream Coach University seminar, I was drawn in by how she radiated her smile with every part of her, not just her face. It reminded me of Eat, Pray, the Love section of the book, where the people of Bali taught that you meditate with intent to smile with every part of your body. What a feeling that is! If everyone walked the Earth, radiating a feeling like that...what a world it would be!!!
Parts of my life are forever changed from that Manifestation seminar. I hope you have a chance to study with such wildly powerful women as these in your lifetime.