When I first spotted this snake, after the fearful thoughts, I thought, "What would Eckhart Tolle do?" That's when I decided to detach from my first reaction....the myriad of huge fears....and instead, take photos and observe its behavior. Acceptance of the moment.
It was a struggle at first to detach from my mind telling me that there are all kinds of holes under my home and the snake will find its way into my house. Particularly when I'm asleep that night. But, this is Tolle's message....allow the fearful thoughts to be there, accept their "isness" while detaching from the emotion...and just observe.
It soon became fun to observe the snake's behavior. It was entertaining watching it wanting to come into my front door so badly. I watched it slither back and forth and even watched it watching me observing it. In coaching we always peel the layers back to "what the intent of ones behavior" is. That's where the wisdom resides. One rarely knows another's intent and sometimes we don't even realize our own.
In time, the snake draped itself over the doorknob and then I heard a thud and I guess it fell to the ground and went back to where it came from.
In Shamanism, the snake means healer. It's also about shedding the old skin to make room for the new. The two areas symbolized by the snake are the heart and the hands.
I will not analyze here, as Tolle would likely detach from that part of the snake moment as well. We often assign events/situations a meaning and that becomes our story that we believe in. But, what if we stopped doing that?
So, maybe a snake greeting people at the front door was not a very calming energy, but the Tolle lesson it left me was most welcome. How many more experiences in life would change if we chose to let go of the emotion attached to it and just observed it, letting it be as it is?